How to fix the “Yahoo error 651” issue

 To fix this error, refresh the access token using the long-lived refresh token. If you are using a client library, it automatically handles token refresh. If this fails, direct the user through the OAuth flow, as described in

Authorizing your App with Gmail.


For additional information on Gmail limits, refer to Usage limits.


Resolve a 403 error: Usage limit exceeded

An error 403 occurs when a usage limit has been How to fix the “Yahoo error 651” issue exceeded or the user doesn't have the correct privileges. To determine the specific type of error, evaluate the reason field of the returned JSON. This error occurs for the following



The daily limit was exceeded.

The user rate limit was exceeded.

The project rate limit was exceeded.

Your app can't be used within the authenticated user's domain.

For additional information on Gmail limits, refer to Usage limits.


Resolve a 403 error: Daily limit exceeded

A dailyLimitExceeded error indicates that the courtesy API limit for your project has been reached. Following is the JSON representation of this error:


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